Privacy Statement

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Privacy Statement

We respect the privacy of visitors to our website, the home page of which is located at

This Privacy Policy informs you of our guidelines and practices concerning the collection, use and disclosure of any

personal information you provide to us via this website.

"Personal Information" is data about you that can personally identify you like your name, address, email address or

telephone number and other information that is not available in the public domain.

Under no circumstances will we divulge this information to any third party unless we are given authority to do by you.

In providing us with your information, you authorize us to use it for the purposes stated and inline with the terms and

conditions of this Privacy Policy.

You also acknowledge that Alias Investments is authorized to use the content of any such communications, including

any ideas, inventions, theories, methods or know-how contained therein, for any purpose including the development

and/or marketing of goods or services. However, Alias Investments will never divulge your name or otherwise reveal

the fact that you furnished us with materials or other information unless: (a) you grant us express permission to do so;

(b) we first notify you that said materials or other information you have submitted to a particular part of a site will be

published or otherwise used with your name on it; or (c) we are complying with a legal requirement to do so.

Under no circumstances do we sell or share your personal information with other companies or third parties without

your prior approval. The content of any communications you send to us is non-confidential and while we make no

commitment to refrain from reproducing, publishing or otherwise using such content in any way or for any purpose,

we will not reproduce, publish, or otherwise use your personal Information within such content.

We may, however, reproduce or use your personal information as it pertains to any resumé you provide to us for

employment or recruitment purposes.

As you peruse the Alias Investments website, a certain amount of passive information is also gathered, including

IP addresses, "cookies" and navigational data. This information is used for the purposes of collecting data that help us

to improve the administration of our website as well as the quality of your experience when interacting with it.

While Alias Investments does not currently have a parent company, subsidiary(ies), joint ventures or other corporate

entities under common control (collectively, "affiliates"), we may have affiliates at some point in the future.

In the event that we do, we may share some or all of your personal information with these affiliates, in which case

those affiliates will be required to honor the terms of this Privacy Policy.

In the event that we are acquired by another company, ownership of the personal information collected by us will pass

to that company and it will be legally bound to preserve the rights and obligations regarding your personal information

as described in this Privacy Policy.

The new company may wish to instigate a new privacy policy but it will be required to contact you to establish whether

or not you wish to be bound by the new terms.

Alias Investments uses industry-standard methods to ensure the security of the communication of personal information

from your device to our servers. In addition, we use industry-standard systems to secure the databases we use to store

personal information, including the use of firewalls.

Except as specified elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, we restrict access to personal information databases to those

individuals in our organization with a specific business need for such access.

You should be cognizant, however, that no company, including Alias Investments, can completely eliminate the risk of

a breach of security associated with personal information. By using this Web site you agree to accept and be bound

by the terms of this Privacy Policy as in force at the time you use this site.

In the event that we amend or update this Privacy Policy in the future, the changes will be posted on this web site so

please check periodically to familiarize with the policy governing the use and storage of your personal information.

Any future access to this web site following to the posting of such changes will be regarded as your acceptance of the

amended Privacy Policy.